Au-Delà du Street Art : Love Banksy and Friends ... at Musée de la Poste-Paris

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Wall of Palestine, 2007

Banksy rips a hole in the Wall of Palestine!  At great risk to himself, Banksy surreptitiously painted a hole with blue sky in the wall separating Palestine and Israel in 2007. 
   See large photo Below 

Banksy's Bank of England Story, perfectly printed  English money "Here's My Princess Di ... "
Banksy describes in the film at this exhibit how he imprinted fake pound notes, fake money with the image of Princess Di, and his own name, Banksy of England.  He passed them around at a festival, as a joke as well as an art piece, never believing that anyone would take it seriously.  Many people were able to use these bills as money, no one questioned the face of Di, or noticed the "Banksy of England".  That's ten years in the Big House, Pen or in French "taule".

Wall of Palestine, 2007